水力裂缝扩展和孔隙介质中多相流的统一模型对于研究很多工程问题很有价值,包括水力压裂, 二氧化碳地下储存和地质灾害预防。今天的汇报内容会包含两部分,第一部分专注于使用嵌入式网格表征裂缝,并应用于耦合多相流和孔隙力学。为此我们开发了耦合的扩展有限元(XFEM)和嵌入式有限差分(EDFM)数值方案,并对开发的数值方法研究了其精度,效率等特性。第二部分是在开发的耦合模拟器的基础上,将其扩展到水力裂缝扩展的研究并且应用到非常规油气开采等问题。在此基础上,我们进一步提高了压裂数值模型算法的鲁棒性。
Integrated models for fluid-driven fracture propagation and general multiphase flow in porous media are valuable to the study and engineering of several systems, including hydraulic fracturing,CO2 underground storage and geohazard mitigation across such applications. The first part of this work focuses on coupled multiphase flow and poromechanical methods using embedded meshes. A coupled XFEM-EDFM numerical scheme is developed, and its properties such as accuracy consistency, efficiency are investigated. In the second part, the developed framework is then extended to admit fracture propagation and demonstrates the ability for co-simulation of production and stimulation problems. Under this context, the robustness of fracture propagation solver is investigated.