Geological hazards associated with the presence of permafrost are serious barriers against development of the northern hydrocarbon resources. In recent decades, negative effects of geohazards such as frost heave, thaw settlement, slope instability on the safety of northern pipelines are widely studied; however, those of the seismic events are not. During earthquakes, buried pipelines may suffer damage from the induced transient ground deformations (TGD) and/or permanent ground deformations (PGD). While the former is caused by seismic wave propagation, the latter can result from liquefaction, faulting and landslides. This presentation discusses the effects of seismic hazards on the safety of northern pipelines.
M. Hesham El Naggar教授是加拿大工程院院士,担任国际土动力学知名期刊《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》主编,曾任岩土工程知名期刊《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》副主编。El Naggar教授长期从事土与结构静动力相互作用、土动力学和地震工程、桩基础静动力受荷特性、海洋结构物长期服役特性、动力基础设计等领域的研究。El Naggar教授完成了超过2000万加币(1.2亿元)的科研项目,培养了超过120名硕、博士。围绕相关领域,发表SCI\EI检索论文400余篇,先后获得了G.G. Meyerhof Award (2002)、Colloquium Speaker, Canadian Geotechnical Conference (2002)、A.G. Stermac Award (2007)、Engineering Medal: Research and Development, OPSE and PEO (2015) 等多个国际大奖和荣誉。