In the first talk Shaoli willintroduce NGI in general. Offshore energy will be the focus. In the second talk, Shaoli is going to present industry practice for offshore windfarm projects. This includes offshore site investigation and standards. Ground model will be discussed and this is a very helpful input for defining soil units and obtaining a good overview on site characterization. Lab tests strategy, testing programs and soil design parameters will be presented. Finally geotechnical design basis based on statistical study will be illustrated.
Dr. Shaoli Yang is a principal engineer and senior expert at NGI. She has a broad background in both offshore geotechnics and marine geology. Shaoli was a postdoc in EU research project on submarine slides for two years at NGI after she got a Ph.D in geotechnical engineering at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Shaoli has worked at NGI for 18 years and her experience includes: project management of large projects in offshore wind; soil characterisation; properties of soils, cyclic design parameters; offshore pile and suction bucket design; offshore geohazards. Shaoli is taking a leading role at NGI for development of interpretation tools for cyclic tests and drawing cyclic contour diagrams.