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关于2021(第十五届)浙江大学曾国熙讲座的通知——英国南安普顿大学David White教授学术报告

发布人:陈今遥发布时间:2021-04-06 分享:

报告题目:Whole Life Geotechnical Design of Offshore Infrastructure: Tracking a Moving Target

报告人:Professor David White(University of Southampton


报告链接:https://zoom.com.cn/j/63893209268(Zoom会议ID:638 932 09268,密码:411998

Professor David White

讲座简介 Introduction to Zeng Guo-xi Lecture:


报告简介 Introduction to the Lecture:






△ 全生命周期中海床摩擦性能演化对管道及其锚固系统的影响研究

△ 全生命周期中局部水深变化对冲刷和掩埋作用下电缆和管道的影响研究

△ 全生命周期中土体强度变化对地基和锚固系统影响研究

△ 用以表征全生命周期海床地基性能演化的新型原位勘察技术与设备



Whole Life Geotechnical Design of Offshore Infrastructure: Tracking a Moving Target


This Zeng Guo-Xi Lecture addresses the geotechnical design of offshore infrastructure, which is an essential element of our energy system and our communication networks. For example, the UK and China are committed to huge expansions of our offshore wind industries, to mitigate climate change. Meanwhile virtually all international internet traffic passes through submarine cables.

The offshore environment is dynamic, both in the ocean and at the seabed. The seabed properties and local bathymetry can change through the life of infrastructure, from installation, through operation, to decommissioning. This adds complexity, but also opportunity, to the design of cables, pipelines, foundations and anchoring systems.

Whole life design incorporates these processes into the analysis of limit states, allowing the beneficial effects to be harnessed, and the detrimental effects to be accommodated without over-conservatism. This lecture will illustrate a series of case studies that include:

  • Pipelines and their anchoring systems, with whole life changes in seabed friction

  • Cables and pipelines, with whole life changes in local bathymetry from scour and burial

  • Foundations and anchoring systems, with whole life changes in soil strength

  • Novel site investigation devices, that simulate whole life processes in situ

Changes in strength, stiffness and exposure to loading by factors of two, three or more will be shown. Techniques to capture this behaviour in design, using both simple and complex types of analysis, will be outlined.

Whole life design provides a holistic perspective for engineers who plan and maintain the infrastructure that we place in the ocean. This lecture, as well as providing forward-looking geotechnical analysis methods, also highlights our responsibility for the ocean environment throughout and beyond the whole life of the infrastructure we place there.

报告人简介  Introduction to Lecturer:

David White是英国南安普顿大学岩土工程基础设施领域教授,2017年以来一直在UKCRIC国家基础设施实验室工作。

他在英国剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)获得硕士和博士学位,随后留任剑桥大学研究员和讲师。2007年,他受聘担任珀斯西澳大利亚大学教授,获得ARC未来学者基金(2009-2012年),随后担任壳牌海洋工程主席(2013-2017年)。


博士期间,David White与他人共同开发了一套用于岩土工程试验变形测量的图像分析系统,这项技术最新的免费软件——GeoPIV-RG持续在土木工程的应用领域受到欢迎。


他是ARC海上浮式设施研究中心(offshorehub.edu.au)的创始董事,目前也是EPSRC Supergen海上可再生能源中心(Supergen-ore.net)的联合董事。他被选为英国皇家工程院院士、土木工程师学会和皇家造船师学会会士。